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St. Trea's Primary School Ballymaguigan, Ballyronan, Magherafelt
Parent Teacher Meetings Dates for your diary: Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th November 2024. School will close at 1pm each of these days. More information to follow.
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Eco Council 2024 2025

25th Sep 2024

Pupil Voice remains central to all our core values at St Trea's Primary School. Every effort is made to provide our pupils with the skills and tools to make their ideas and wishes known. This term new class representatives have been chosen for our School Council and Eco Council.

It is also very important to all of us at St Trea's, to do all we can to be friendly to the environment. Our recently appointed Eco-council members are made up of pupils from P3-P7, and they will meet frequently to come up with different ways to make our school even more Eco-friendly. .